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Digital Accessibility Badge

Our award to compliant and accessible websites

What is it?

The Digital Accessibility Badge is a service offered to assess and certify the accessibility of a website according to international standards and guidelines, such as the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This service allows organizations to verify and demonstrate that their website complies with the accessibility requirements necessary for people with disabilities to effectively access online content.

how it works

Our Badge

The Digital Accessibility Badge provides a detailed assessment of the website, including elements such as structure and navigation, textual content, images, videos, interactive forms, and more. Any accessibility issues are identified and specific recommendations are provided to improve the experience of users with disabilities.

This type of attestation aims to provide a non-theoretical but realistic picture of the problems on the site.

ARIA attributes and alternative text

How is the level of compliance assessed?

There are 137 conformity criteria that we check.

UNI EN 301549 is the standard that governs the verification.

The Badge is awarded to websites that, after accurate analysis, meet at least 90 per cent of the essential criteria set by the WCAG and do not have any critical errors.


How has obtained the Badge?

Fish: Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell'HandicapAngelini PharmaBanca Sella


This badge represents the status of the audited touchpoints as of the date of delivery. Any changes made to the touchpoint after that date could affect its accessibility and are not covered by this badge.

The verification of conformity by our experts is carried out, where the conditions apply, according to the specific schedules within the UNI EN 301549 standard.

This badge provides assurance regarding the level of compliance achieved at the time of delivery. Users are always encouraged to contact the company if they experience difficulties using the touchpoint.

In addition, please contact the website operator directly for further information about compliance and any specific accessibility requests.