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Drive change, help make the web a more inclusive place

Help millions of people by promoting digital accessibility. Join our partner program to ensure the best for your customers.

Collage di forme geometriche colorate e fotografie, la prima mostra un team di lavoro che unisce le mani in segno di unità, la seconda mostra quattro persone intente a lavorare e comunicare tra loro

Offer your customers useful, cutting-edge technologies

Optimize your clients' site so that it is:

SEO Optimization

Tailor-made solutions

Protect your clients by offering them tailor-made solutions in line with the latest directives. Our experts will evaluate each case in order to assure them:

Maximum availability

Help us make web accessibility a concrete reality.

  • Bring your point of view during our online events
  • Participate in our thematic working tables
  • Join us to bring accessibility into corporate cultures

If you have an association active in the disability field, we would be happy to make your site accessible for free.

Enhance your clients' brands with inclusive and sustainable campaigns!

Web accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities are important pillars of any Corporate Social Responsibility activity and for all B corp.

Find out how to implement creative and inclusive campaigns now with AccessiWay.

Get a free brief now.

Optimize your clients' site so that it is:

SEO Optimization

Tailor-made solutions

Protect your clients by offering them tailor-made solutions in line with the latest directives. Our experts will evaluate each case in order to assure them:

Maximum availability

Help us make web accessibility a concrete reality.

  • Bring your point of view during our online events
  • Participate in our thematic working tables
  • Join us to bring accessibility into corporate cultures

If you have an association active in the disability field, we would be happy to make your site accessible for free.

Enhance your clients' brands with inclusive and sustainable campaigns!

Web accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities are important pillars of any Corporate Social Responsibility activity and for all B corp. Find out how to implement creative and inclusive campaigns now with AccessiWay.

Get a free brief now.


Why become a Partner?

  • Success Fee for every client you bring in
  • Periodic accessibility reports for your clients
  • For your website, the accessWidget license is free!
  • Help make the Internet accessible
Collage di tre fotografie: la prima mostra un ragazzo affetto da disabilità visiva con il suo bastone biaanco, la seconda la Chief Vision Officer di AccessiWay, Dajana, e la terza un ragazzo affetto da disabilità motoria
how it works

How does the program work?

After a quick demo with one of our partnership managers, you will have access to your Partner Account where you can manage all your clients' websites, track your conversions and get detailed reports for each site you manage. By becoming a partner, you will have a Senior Account in AccessiWay who will help you draft a mid-term strategy and with whom you can organize various initiatives aimed at your clients.

Win - Win

Receive a commission for each license sold and dedicated discounts on accessibility services

Market Leader

We are the largest and fastest growing company in the digital accessibility market

Competitive Advantage

Provide your customers with accessibility services that helps them reach a wider audience

Peace of mind

Protect clients by mitigating the risk of lengthy and costly litigation

Success for all

Earn profitable commissions by providing a valuable product to both businesses and people with disabilities


We will work with you to design the partnership that best suits your organization and your needs

Partner Kit

To support you, we are willing to offer you all the materials we have in our possession in a handy and up-to-date Partner Kit. In addition, your dedicated manager is available at any time.

Brand Boosting

Affiliating with our product offers not only an economic advantage, but also an image advantage: become a promoter of an innovative and ethics technology!


Have you added new web pages? Don't worry, our AI-powered software reviews the website every 24 hours.

Win - Win

Receive a commission for each license sold and dedicated discounts on consulting services

Market Leader

We are the largest and fastest growing company in the web accessibility market

Competitive Advantage

Provide your customers with a solution that helps them reach a wider audience

Peace of mind

Protect clients by mitigating the risk of lengthy and costly litigation

Success for all

Earn profitable commissions by providing a valuable product to both businesses and people with disabilities


We will work with you to design the partnership that best suits your organization and your needs

Partner Kit

To support you, we are willing to offer you all the materials we have in our possession in a handy and up-to-date Partner Kit. In addition, your dedicated manager is available at any time.

Brand Boosting

Affiliating with our product offers not only an economic advantage, but also an image advantage: become a promoter of an innovative and ethics technology!


Have you added new material? Don't worry, our AI engine reviews the website every 24 hours to remedy any updates made.


We have made hundreds of European and international realities inclusive:

Dajana Gioffrè

"Accessibility is, to some extent, synonymous with freedom. Freedom to choose, to make one's voice heard and express oneself regardless of disability or personal characteristics. Digital accessibility, today, is the highest expression of this freedom, because it opens doors and paths to those who, until now, have had no voice"

- Dajana Gioffrè, CVO AccessiWay


Testimonials from our Partners:

Wise Growth

Alessia Alò

"Inclusion is also made up of small attentions, which can be built on a daily basis. There is still a big usability gap and as Wise Growth, having always cared about inclusion issues, we wanted to take action to introduce a concrete change. Therefore, from today the website will be more inclusive and more accessible, thanks to the partnership with AccessiWay!"


Alexia Buo

"We decided to partner with AccessiWay to build a truly accessible web for these people as well. Our efforts will be focused on transforming the concept of inclusiveness into the concept of normality, in web design and beyond."


"Starting today, Synesthesia's website will be more accessible to users with disabilities thanks to AccessiWay's accessibility interface, which you can use on their site. Together we are committed to playing an active role in helping to transition to web accessibility."

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