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accessible pdf

Make your PDFs accessible

Make sure your PDF documents are accessible to people with disabilities!

A new innovative service to make your PDFs accessible.

Get Free Audits
Collage di forme geometriche colorate e di immagini, la prima mostra una signora al computer, la seconda un ragazzo cieco che interagisce con lo screen reader.

Why make your file accessible?

This format has become the most widely used medium for digital exchange. Allow your internal and external communication to be understood without any discrimination.
Make your PDFs and files UA and WCAG 2.1 compliant
Implement a concrete approach to Corporate Social Responsability

How does it work?

Upload your file

You will receive a message regarding the accessibility level.

Contact by our team

Our team will get in touch with you to audit the situation and provide you an overview of your file.

Remediation process and Review

Our team of experts reviews the results to identify and address any gaps, ensuring the remediation is accurate and complete. We will then provide you with a detailed report.

Project delivery

Your documents are now accessible and ready to be used by everyone!

Install a single line of JavaScript code
The AI will start scanning and analysing your website
The accessibility interface symbol will appear on your site
Every 24 hours the AI will monitor your website to update new content

Why you should choose accessPDF

Great expertise

We acknowledge that accessibility is an essential aspect of any digital product, and we are dedicated to delivering a holistic solution that integrates AI tools with the experience and proficiency of our team.

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Top Quality Delivery

accessPDF ensures clients that their digital products meet all relevant regulations, are fully accessible, and are optimized to provide the best possible user experience.

Full Accessibility

AccessiWay surpasses standard checks, aiming for the utmost level of excellence. Our team of experts goes above and beyond the adherence to verifiable standards by utilizing automated tools and testing documents with screen readers. We ensure technical compliance through rigorous initial validation and quality control checks. But, we don't stop there. We conduct additional accessibility and usability tests, thoroughly evaluating every element to ensure a seamless reading experience. Our goal is to provide accessible documents of the highest caliber while keeping prices as affordable as possible.

The most accessible PDF remediation in the market

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Starting from:

5 € / token

Esperienza a 360°

L'accessibilità è un aspetto essenziale di qualsiasi prodotto digitale e noi ci impegniamo a fornire una soluzione olistica che integri gli strumenti di intelligenza artificiale con le conoscenze e la competenza del nostro team.

Alta Qualità = Accessibile per tutt*

AccessPDF è progettato per garantire il più alto livello di accessibilità per tutti gli utenti, al prezzo più basso sul mercato.

Full Accessibility

I nostri expert vanno oltre gli standard verificabili con i tool automatici, testando documenti con screen reader e facendo user test con gli utenti finali.


Meet Our Experienced Team

Paolo Berro sorridente.
Paolo Berro


Accessibility Officer

La disability expert Dajana Gioffrè.
Dajana Gioffrè
Visionary Officer
Jacopo Deyla che sorride.
Jacopo Deyla
Delivery Officer

Upload your project

We will answer all your questions about pdf accessibility, and our team of consultants will explain how it works. After a high level of understanding of the product, our team of professionals will evaluate your project and give you a quote.


Do you have any doubts?

We are here for you: